Data Structure Coaching with java In Greater Noida

Data Structure coaching with Java In Greater Noida at Mirorsoft Technologies

Our data structure in Java courses are meticulously designed to help the students be conversant with the data structure and its algorithm. We use lots of animated contents in this course to make it easy for the students to understand the concepts.  


Furthermore, our experts have fragmented the course in easy and short lectures, followed by Q&A sessions to help the students get their every doubt solved. For every complicated chapter, we provide animated examples and expertly-curated explanations. What makes us the best institute for data structure using Java in Greater Noida is our methodology—we don’t leave any topic unexplained.      

The course covers every topic with detailed explanation such as binary search trees, heap, stacks & queues, linked lists, and hashing. Also, we have included several sorting algorithms with flawless implementation process in the course. 

Those who wish to lead a successful career in data structure in Java should be well versed with the recursion process—our course covers this topic with several examples to let the student learn some specific algorithms. Our data structure using Java classes in Greater Noida are highly focused on helping our students to build logical and practical understanding.


Must have a basic knowledge of Java programming.

Who the Course is for:

This is the best option for the programmers who are looking for better opportunities. It helps the IT professionals who want to enhance their skills in the field of data structure coding.

Those who are studying computer science with data structure in their curriculum should also get enrolled in our data structure using Java coaching in Greater Noida, as we cover several topics with Java implementation. Some of the key topics we include in our course are: Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Dequeue, Priority queue, Recursive Merge, Iterative Merge, Quick, Heap, Binary tree, and others.    

Comprehensive Approach to Ease the Complexity


About the instructor:

Data structure and algorithm trainers work in leading product-based multinationals and leading institutes such as IIT and NIT, and are experts in problem solving and competitive programming.

Course Content of Data Structure :

Module 1: Introduction to Java

• Java Why? What? How? When? Where?

• Different Java Versions.

• How Java is different from other Technologies

Module 2: Object Oriented Programming

• Procedural Vs Object Oriented Program

• Different type of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented.

• Introduction to Object Oriented

• Abstraction

• Encapsulation

• Inheritance

• Polymorphism

• Introduction to Classes and Objects

• Custom Class Definition

Module 3: Exploring Method

• What is Method?

• Advantages of Method

• Types of Methods

• Creating User Define Methods

• Method Calling

• “this” Keyword

• Call by value, Call by reference

Module 4: Arrays in Java

• What is array?

• Why Array?

• Operations in an array

     o Traversal

     o Insertion

     o Deletion

     o Searching

     o Sorting

     o Merging

     o Copying

     o Reversing

• Applications of array

Module 5: Searching

• Various searching technique

• Linear Search

• Binary Search

• Advantages of Searching techniques

• Disadvantages of searching techniques

Module 6: Sorting

• Various sorting technique

• Bubble Sort

• Selection Sort

• Insertion Sort

• Quick Sort

• Merge Sort

Module 8: List and Implementation

• What is Linked List

• Why we need Linked List

• Problem in Arrays

• Advantage and Disadvantage of Linked List

• Creating a Linked List

• Operations in a Linked List

      o Insertion

      o Deletion

      o Search

      o Display

      o Other Operations on Linked List

• Circular Linked List

• Various Operations on Circular Linked list

• Doubly Linked List

• Various Operations on Doubly Linked List

• Doubly Circular Linked list

Module 9: Stack

• What is Stack

• Array Representation of Stack

• Stack using Linked List

• Various Operations on Stack

• Applications of Stack

• Other Applications of Stack

• Advantages and Disadvantages of Stack

Module 10: Queue

• What is Queue

• Types of Queue

• Applications of Queue

• Implementation of Queue in array

• Implementation of Queue in Linked list

• Operation on Queue

• Advantage and Disadvantage of Queue

Module 11: Trees Data Structure and Implementation

• Basic Tree Concepts

• Use of Tree

• Different Type of Trees

• Binary Tree

• Binary Tree Traversal (Inorder, Preorder, and Postorder)

• Different Operations on Tree (Insertion, Deletion, Search, Count)

• Binary tree representation in memory

• Binary search tree

Module 12: Graphs

• Introduction

• Representation of graphs

• Graph traversal

• Depth-First Traversal

• Breadth-First Traversal

Our Awareness Programmes:

Are you studying engineering and need to get a good job with high-salary? if yes then you can study the certification course. Mirorsoft Technologies has different course that help to get the job in the top company. We are one of the leading institutes in the training. We offer the huge range of the training program to our students. You can choose the best course which suits your needs.

If you need to get the Android developer job then the Java is required. Our awareness program helps you to get more details about the course. In our awareness program, you can understand the fundamental of any courses. We offer a lot of the workshops and seminars in Greater Noida and Ghaziabad. Our seminar class helps the students to improve knowledge. With the help of the certification, you can get the job as project management, software testing, data analysts, digital marketing manager and other.

Our Students

The IT application has become more popular in the IT software field. In the present scenario, most of the students are learning Java, PHP, .Net, Digital Marketing in order to make a successful career. We are one of the leading and well popular training institutes in Noida. Our faculties have many years of experience in this field who aid the students to learn. To the students, we provide certification course which will be more useful for them to get their desired job.

We offer a wide range of courses to the students such as mobile, embedded system, packages, robotics, threads, basics of AWT & Swing, I/O package and many others. So, pick out the best one in business and start your journey towards this. We will conduct many seminars and workshops in Noida which will be more useful and helpful for the students.

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